Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

Wind of Change

A scholarly attempt to elucidate more correctly on this topic requires simplification of the key words – “wind” and “change”.

According to John 3 verse 8, “The wind blows wherever it pleases, no one hears its sound, but no one can tell where it comes from or where it is going”. This scriptural verse gives us an insight into what wind is. It can therefore be inferred that wind is a phenomenon, personality, mystery, an entity and invisible being. It can be an agent of effect. Wind is characteristically ambivalent in nature. It can blow either for a positive or negative impact. ‘Change’ on the other hand is very wide and broad in scope. Change can be interpreted in diverse ways and it is the only thing that is constant from time immemorial. Since change is constant, it is something we tend to fear and become conscious about because we do not have control over it. By and large, change simply means the “new order”. It can also occur either for a positive or negative impact.

In the world today, many things are fast becoming very obsolete because of the influence of effects of globalization and natural phenomena.

Recently, certain lexical items have just been introduced to our vocabulary – “new normal”. The “new normal or new order” has undoubtedly come with both negative and positive impacts.

The wind of change has globally impacted on all facets of human endeavor vis-a-vis social, religious, academic, economic as well as political space.

It suffices to observe and note that life is dynamic; the world we live in is very dynamic also hence all creatures must evolve. Anything or anyone who does not want to change wind of change will either change, bend or overtake him or her because the “old order” or status quo can no longer thrive, maintain or sustain. In view of this naked truth, concerted efforts need to be made by all and sundry to face-lift from the “old order” to the new “order”.

Certainly, for a successful transition from the “old order to the “new order”, agents of change such as school, media, religious organizations and government have pivotal roles to play.

In our educational institutions, it is high time we had a sharp shift from the knowledge based learning that answers to “WHAT” to the skill based learning that answers to “WHY”.

The dire need in our educational institutions in this contemporary time is the acquisition of global skill and competence that will make the younger generation to be globally market ready for limited global competitive job opportunities. The time to is “NOW” not “TOMORROW”. Students are therefore encouraged to move with the trend of events, take the bull by the horn by daring to become the best and the most sought out for.

Thank you.

Bayo Akinwola

School Administrator